Which way do we want it to rotate? Anti-Clockwise. There are 2 questions to ask ourselves.Hold the big corner in the bottom right hand corner of the front face.Obviously we want it to rotate anti-clockwise so that the orange/red/blue all matches, but WHY 2 TEETH?The reason its 2 teeth is because that big orange tooth on the top layer wants to be 2 positions anti-clockwise of where it is now, if that doesn't make sense just watch the video at the end of this step. In my example above we want the orange/red/blue corner to be rotated anti-clockwise 2 teeth.First we want to establish which way this big corner needs to move in order to be solved.I am going to run over this quickly, if you are struggling please read the above step 3A on solving 1 small corner but on step 1 where we had 2 teeth, you would divide that number by 2 (meaning you spin that big corner either clockwise or anti-clockwise so that the tiny cog above it rotates just once). Big cogs can only be out by 2 or 4 teeth (if yours is out 1 or 3 teeth then something has gone wrong and you should muddle your puzzle up again). Once we have decided how many teeth we need to move and in which direction, we want to half the number. So, solving 1 big corner is much the same as solving a tiny corner but with 1 big difference. Easy, Right? If you struggled with any of that the please do watch the video at the end of this step. Last bit, pull the top layer up and spin any corner until your puzzle is solved.Push the right hand side of your 2x2 gear cube back in.Perform the exact same move, spin that tiny corner in the bottom right in the direction we decided earlier (clockwise or anti-clockwise (anti-clockwise in our example)) until that big purple/green cog above it has spun around twice (720 degrees).Now we want to make sure that tiny unsolved corner is still in the bottom right hand corner of the front face and pull the right side out. Hopefully you had no issues? If you did, please watch the video at the end of this step. Push your front face back in once that is done.Note: In the example above we want to spin that tiny cog (in the bottom right corner) anti-clockwise until that big cog above it has spun round twice (spin it once until the purple sticker is facing you, then spin it one more time). Once all of the green side of your 2x2 gear cube has been solved you can push the right side back in (your puzzle should look like the image below).We now want to twist the right hand side until we create another pair of greens on the top layer.Turn your puzzle around so that the newly solved green pair are on the left hand side of the top layer.Pull the right side out and twist the corners until both greens are on the facing up on the top layer, just like the image below.Make sure your puzzle is the same and place it down on a table. In the image above all of the corners which contain green pieces are on the corners in the top layer.Locate the 3 other green corner pieces (they will always be next to that first white corner we found as the pieces only rotate around themselves and never actually change position).Look around your gear cube until you see any green sticker/corner piece.I suggest you do the same to make this guide as easy to follow as possible. We will start by solving the whole green face. Just follow each bullet point and you'll have yours solved in no time at all. Its super easy and shouldn't take more than a few minutes. So, in this step we will be solving the 1st layer of the 2x2 gear cube.